What do the different options mean?

If you're new to ordering a custom vest or cape, the amount of options can be overwhelming, especially if you aren't sure what some of them are. Here is a basic rundown on the options as well as the links to their individual listings that show photos and have additional information. 


Vest or Cape

A vest is attached with a chest strap as opposed to a cape which is designed to sit behind and attach to a harness. Because a cape sits back further, it is important to measure where on the dig the panel will be sitting when determining the correct panel size. 



The style determines how much back coverage you will have on the vest. This link from our FAQs has information on how to determine the best shape and fit https://www.taskingthroughlife.com/blogs/how-to-choose-the-correct-size/how-to-choose-the-correct-size



This adds pockets to one or both of the side vest sections.  The pocket is typically secured with a zipper, and is the same size as the side of the vest so the capacity for holding items depends on how large the vest is. 



A convertible upgrade allows the panel to be used as both a vest and as a cape. It comes with both a chest strap and harness straps that attach by snap to the cape. The way the harness straps are made allow to them to remain attached to the harness when not in use so they don't get lost and you can just snap your panel to them when needed.  We also offer a repositionable belly strap, which allows the belly strap to be placed at either the center or the back of the panel as needed. This is particularly helpful for males that might pee on their strap when it is being used as a cape. 



The graphic upgrade should probably be named the "additional stitch upgrade" It can be used for anything from adding additional text, adding a custom graphic, or how long it will take the machine to complete the stitch-out. The fee also covers any digitizing that is needed to create a graphic or add a nonstandard graphic to your design. If you aren't sure which one you need, you can always reach out to us prior to ordering and we can usually let you know based on the design you have in mind. 



D-rings are two metal rings that are attached by strap to the vest, either on the center panel, or along a seam. The are often used to clip poop bags, card cases, patch tabs, collapsible water bowls, etc.,  While the vests are lightweight and not intended for restraint, if your dog works loose leash and will not be pulling, you can also clip a lead or leash to them. 


Patch Attachment (Loop)

This upgrade adds a section of loop material to your item that can be used with any items, such as patches, that attach with a hook type backing. This can be added in a single area, or as a full panel. The full panel option is available on the loop listing linked in the title. 


Reflective Tape

Reflective tape is a 1" strip of reflective material that can be added to your design for additional visibility. This is great for low light or nighttime visibility.  



The standard thread options that are included in your purchase are shown in the listing photos and some additional colors can also be found in our FAQ section. If you request a neon color, those are also considered standard thread and are included.

In addition to those, we also have some specialty threads that are available with a fee. This is because the thread costs more, and the machine must be run at a slower speed and the settings have to be manually adjusted to run them and then changed back to run the standard thread afterwards. The specialty threads include our glow thread options,  metallic threads, and reflective threads. The metallic and reflective threads are made by wrapping a filament around a regular thread and sometimes you will see a gap in the filament when stitching. 


Marine Vinyl

Marine vinyl is similar to the matte vinyl you would find on a restaurant booth seat. This upgrade uses the vinyl material in place of the regular fabric options. It is has a plastic/leathery combination feel to it and is much heavier than the other fabric options we offer. Because of the weight and the material it uses, there are also stitching and sewing considerations as well. You can find more information in the link. 


Vest Lining/ Strap Covers





The default backing for the underside of the vest is cotton, which is the most breathable option. This is the side that sits against the dog's coat.

We also offer several vest lining upgrade options as well. Some of the options are for additional warmth (sherpa, fleece), some are to protect a the hair (satin) and some are for additional weight or durability (canvas, sherpa)

We have gotten a lot of feedback that the satin also helps with how little dog fur sticks to it. 

In addition to this, we also offer satin strap covers that slide over the chest and belly straps to protect the hair. These also have an option to attach with loop/hook if needed. 


Buckle Type

Your vest comes standard with heavy duty plastic buckles. These buckles have a very high success rate and are what we personally use on almost all of our personal vests.  We do also offer a variety of standard metal, lightweight metal, and magnetic buckles as well. 



The fabric options are shown in the Fabric Color dropdown on the ordering page or in the link above. The standard included fabric with your purchase is one of our two canvas options. The waterproof canvas is our preference as it stitches cleaner, is more durable, and holds its color better, although after being stabbed thousands of times with a needle, it closer to being water resistant  than waterproof by the time you receive it.

The other canvas option is the cotton canvas which is known for being more breathable.  Both canvases are lightweight.

We also offer neon and color changing fabric upgrade options as well. 


Color of Straps

The default strap we use is black, although we do also offer a complimentary rainbow color strap that is lighter in weight compared to the black. It is not available for X-Small vests since it only comes in one size. 



Leash Wrap

Leash wraps are designed to fit over a 1" wide leash and offer additional visibility. They have the option to include a pocket on the back, ideal for poop bags. They can also have a strap added that can clip to the ring at the top of your leash to prevent it from sliding down. If you opt for a reversible wrap then this means that instead of having the blank fabric on the back of the wrap, it will have another wrap face that can be displayed by unsnapping and flipped the wrap around. 


Chest Wrap

Chest wraps are similar in length top the leash wraps, but they are wider to allow them to snap over the buckle that is located at the front of the vest. This adds an additional angle of visibility to let others know that you are working before they get close enough to read/see the sides or back of the vest. If you opt for a reversible wrap then this means that instead of having the blank fabric on the back of the wrap, it will have another wrap face that can be displayed by unsnapping and flipped the wrap around. 


Patch Tab

Patch tabs are patches that only need something for them to clip onto in order to be used. Where a regular patch with a hook backing would need a loop material surface in order to be applied, a patch tab attached with a clip at the top so it can easily be added to D-rings, a leash loops, your backpack, purse, etc. 



We have several types of cards available, including ADA information, Service Dog Etiquette, TSA service dog policies, and cards to let someone know they did not interact with your service dog the way you would have liked. Just search "card" in the search bar to see examples of each card as well as our card carrying cases that can be clipped onto something for easy access. 

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